About Us

PLR Productions is based in Johannesburg, South Africa. We are composed of group professional creative minds devoted to the art of visual storytelling. Our passion for what we do is what drives us to reach our goals. We have over 15 years of experience in the always developing film and television industry and have done project for local as well as international clients.
We are an award winning production company with 15 years of experience in the business. We have been prominent in the film and television industry in South Africa and hold title to the award of excellence in film making at the Canada international film festival in 2013 . Our company has extensive experience in documentary and corporate production as well as commercial production and animation design. We also have a full team of professionals trained in various fields of HD video production ready to make your film.

Pierre le Roux Leads the team. He finished his honours in film and television production at the Thwane University of technology in 2009. He majored in directing.
From 2005-2008 he was working part time with Ben Bellefroid of African Dreamworx making short human interest documentaries, hunting videos, music videos and small corporate DVD’s for internet use. In these productions he was a field researcher, director, camera operator and editor.
In 2009 he was involved in corporate post-production for Mukhanyo Theology college. He was in charge of editing and printing as well as designing the look and feel of numerous courses filmed.
In 2010 Pierre worked with Redline pictures as an insert editor in the time working for the I edited around 180 inserts as well as numerous promo videos.
In 2011 he got involved in ENG camera work Etv. In this time Pierre had to film as well edit and occasionally write stories for broadcast news.
In 2013 Pierre founded PLR Productions and started producing ‘The Ibogaine safari’ and achieved the award of excellence at the Canada international film festival for the 40 min pilot episode. This is meant to be a 6 episode Human interest documentary series.
In order to make the film Pierre founded the Alternative rehab and occasionally help heroin addicts to go through withdrawals by using Ibogaine to detox. The project is currently still running.
In 2014 Pierre ventured into a the world of feature film and started writing the companies debut future film “Vlieekraal” a futuristic action flick. The film is set 50 years after the death of South Africa’s former president Mr. Nelson Mandela in a small town on a farm in the Karoo. South Africa was destroyed by a civil war and a small group of subsistence farmers battle for survival. Their livelihood is threatened by illegal frecking miners and their unlawful claim on the land. The script is currently in the final stage of development. “Shaun, Nothing but a first name” “His past was dark and he was looking for the reason”

Odirileng Maphage, or just ‘Odi’, as he is known among his friends and colleagues, is the Head of New Business Development in here at PLR Productions. Fluent in four languages, and with qualifications in both Financial Management and Information Processing – Odi is a great addition to the creatives in the team.
With a long history working in the television industry at E-News, Odi understands the challenges of the production industry inside and out.

Michel Malabo is the full time video editor and animator of PLR.
A web developer and graphic designer of trade, he started freelancing for PLR from the first day he designed our website in 2015. He is pretty much in charge of al the intro animation, lower third, grading and half of the montage.
His artistic eye makes him the man of the job when we need so magic to happen.